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Liechtensteinische Familienstiftungen für deutsche Unternehmer und Familien

In den letzten Monaten konnte man in verschiedenen Zeitungen und Online-Portalen lesen, dass in diesem Jahr vermehrt deutsche Familien und Unternehmer erwägen, eine Familienstiftung in Liechtenstein zu gründen. Da Informationen zu der Anzahl solcher Anfragen öffentlich nicht erhältlich sind, ist es vermutlich reine Spekulation. Als Gründe für den Anstieg [...]

By |September 17th, 2021|

Cleansing of Mixed Funds in Trust Structures:
The "Liechtenstein Formula"

For legal entities and trusts with UK beneficiaries who are resident and non-domiciled holding so-called “mixed funds” there is now a very simple solution to separate those into capital, income and capital gains. We interpret mixed funds as funds that have previously not been segmented or incorrectly segmented. A [...]

By |December 7th, 2020|

Crisis as an opportunity
ceasing the opportunity

It may be trite to say it, but an economic crisis is something no one wants to experience. However, as we have seen in recent months, such an economic crisis can be triggered even by a virus, may come very unexpectedly and at anytime. And when there is a [...]

By |October 28th, 2020|

Resilient in a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for most countries worldwide and the various degrees of lockdown measures have destroyed businesses and jobs for many. Chances are the pandemic will continue. As a beneficiary of a trust or foundation structure it is important to be able to communicate with the [...]

By |September 28th, 2020|

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Liechtensteinische Familienstiftungen für deutsche Unternehmer und Familien

17.09.2021 | by Alex Jeeves

Cleansing of Mixed Funds in Trust Structures
The “Liechtenstein Formula”

07.12.2020 | by Alex Jeeves

Crisis as an opportunity
ceasing the opportunity

28.10.2020 | by Alex Jeeves

Resilent in a pandemic

01.10.2020 | by Alex Jeeves

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